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Service guide and owner manuals of common motorcycles in India

Not everyone makes use of their motorcycle user manual, service or technical guides. But those who do, they go through these documents with great expectations.

Most of the manufacturers listed below provide these manuals and service guides for the sake of formality. This is certainly a disappointing attitude.

However, some manufacturers for example TVS and specifically KTM have taken great care and effort to document as much information as possible and its really impressive to make use of them. Wish every manufacturer consider these documents very crucial because there are customers who value them.

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RTR,  Flame, Star, Starcity,  Jive, Victor, Sport, Radeon


Dominar 400, Dominar 250, Pulsar RS200, Pulsar NS200, Pulsar 220F, Pulsar 150, Pulsar 125, Avenger, Platina and CT 100


Royal Enfield

Interceptor, Continental GT, Himalayan, Classic, Bullet, Thunderbird


Passion Pro, Splendor, Xpluse, Xtreme


SP125, Shine, Unicorn, CB 300R, CBR650R, Africa Twin




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Hello, I am Niraj. I define myself as an amateur photographer, biker and seeker. I like to connect with like-minded friends and share experiences and stories from the place, people and time. I believe life is an endless journey and our actions no matter how small affects this infinite universe in some way or another. So let's not stop and keep our work going.

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