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Thar desert at its best in Sam Sand dunes – Rajasthan bike trip – 4

Sam-sand-dune-desert-safari-jaisalmer, budgetyatri

We had just left the lonely village of Kuldhara. Our next destination was Sam Sand dunes. Babaji of Kuldhara suggested us to visit Khuri Sand dunes instead of Sam. Khuri was another 45 Km from Kuldhara but in the opposite direction to Sam. Standing on the T-road we were thinking if we should go to Khuri dunes or shall we stick to our plan.

Considering the route ahead and the time we had we could not afford Khuri although we wanted to see it badly.

From Kuldhara, the distance of Sam Sand dunes was not more than 35 km. Sun was shining high but clean Tar road made the journey comfortable.

Sam Sand Dunes – Jaisalmer

Sam Sand Dunes or Sam ke dhibbe as called locally are a major tourist attraction in Jaisalmer rather Rajasthan. If you are going to Thar desert you cannot afford to miss a desert safari. Sitting on the Camel in the middle of dunes and looking at the vast expanse of Thar is no less than a great feeling.

Other exciting activities which can be done is booking an accommodation in Swiss Tents for the night camping and enjoying the special Rajasthani musical and dance program & by night can have dinner prepared by these camps.


Tents in Sam


The best season to visit Sam is during October to December when the climate is cool and lots of domestic and foreign tourists pour in.

Don’t the miss the Sunrise and Sunset at Sam Sand Dunes. These are amazing.

Just as we reached the dunes locals came running at us. We were warned earlier about frauds who ask Rs 100 for Camel safari and they loot you inside the desert. I am not aware of any firsthand experience but got the feel of the local people who are ruining this spot.  As soon as we reached there, locals started pouncing on us. They chased us on bikes :)

You need not worry if you are going through a travel agent. And yes these things do not happen at Khuri.

Parked bike close to the Swiss tents. We decided not to take Camel Safari. Took our luggage with us and climbed the dunes ourselves. Then two mad people began their show in the middle of the dunes. And those two people were Vishwanath and I. We were rolling on the dunes, jumping, climbing up madly, burying ourselves in the sands and laughing ghostly, copying moves from Border movie.

Sam sand dune desert safari jaisalmer, budgetyatri

Desert Safari – Sam Sand dunes


Sam sand dunes


Desert Safari in Sam dunes

Beautiful Thar desert, budgetyatri

Beautiful Thar desert

Sam sand dunes, budgetyatri

Desert Safari in Sam Sand dunes


Our luggage

We spent some amazing 3 hours and chose to leave for Ramgarh.

The ride from Sam Sand Dunes to Ramgarh

Ramgarh was the halt we had fixed for the day. Ramgarh was another 75 Km from Sam Sand dunes. We knew didn’t have much time and we had to reach before the Sun sets. We did not have any clue if there are options for accommodations in Ramgarh or we have to request for Shelter. Everything was nothing but a surprise for us in the unknown land.

We took the un-trafficked and shortest route for Ramgarh. From Kanoi, we took left. This road meets MDR 103 on the Ramgarh route. En route, we could hardly spot any living body. Just endless road and Windmills farms. An amazing road for bike rides.


En route Ramgarh via Kanoi


Windmill farms

Accommodation in Ramgarh

Around 6 PM we were at Ramgarh. Luckily we found Bhavani Guesthouse, the only guest house in Ramgarh. Negotiated an attached room with a cooler for Rs. 350 a day. Costliest deal we ever had on this trip. Across the road, the owner of the Guesthouse owned a small Dhaba. Had a simple and appetizing dinner for Rs.80/plate. I will always miss their chaas kadhi.

It was 10 PM by now, planned for tomorrow and took off from the day.

You might be interested in other parts of my Rajasthan trip

You would like to read the other parts of the Rajasthan bike trip:

Jodhpur – Part 1Gadisar Lake Jaisalmer – Part 2

 Kuldhara abandoned village – Part 3Tanot border – Part 5

Longewala border post – Part 6

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Filed under: Travelogues


Hello, I am Niraj. I define myself as an amateur photographer, biker and seeker. I like to connect with like-minded friends and share experiences and stories from the place, people and time. I believe life is an endless journey and our actions no matter how small affects this infinite universe in some way or another. So let's not stop and keep our work going.


  1. Priya says

    Hi Niraj,

    As we were planning for Rajasthan tour.
    I wanted some info on Jaisalmer to Sam sand dunes..
    How safe is it go by bike in this route for a couple, in the mid day.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Hello Priya,

      During day its pretty safe on bike for couples. In case you wish to do Camel safari or swiss tent stay, I would recommend pre-booking it from any travel agent in Jaisalmer itself.

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